
Pneumatic Press with Cooling Jacket

A pneumatic press with a cooling jacket enables:

  • drum cooling before filling,
  • grape pomace cooling before and during pressing,
  • temperature regulation of the grape mass inside the drum according to enological recommendations,
  • controlled maceration process: pomace maceration at low temperature...


The objective of grape maceration is selective pigment (anthocyanins), tannin, and aroma leaching from grape berries. The important factors to bear in mind during this process are:
  • cap submerging/soaking intensity,
  • proper pomace temperature,
  • maceration time. 
The fermenter is a big help du...


Creativity is born of passion for the things you do, whereas your skill and your own taste can add a more personal note to it. Grapes represent a continuous challenge, as they have a wonderful, and at the same time, very demanding characteristic – their character changes every year, which makes ...

Grape Presses

stiskalnica psp10
stiskalnica pst29
stiskalnica PST80


Pressing systems

We manufacture presses with three different pressing systems:

  • open pressing system (PSP): Half of the drum is perforated, the other half is covered by an impermeable membrane. The advantage of an open pressing system is a large draining drum surface.
  • closed pressin...

Punch-down Fermenters

Punch-down fermenters are equipped with a cap submerging system, which consists of a punch-down agitator, pneumatic cylinder and a control unit. The punch-down mechanism makes it possible to break down the cap that was created during fermentation and submerge it into the must. The pneumatic cylind...

Pump-over Fermenters

During pomace fermentation, a cap is created inside the tank. It consists of the solid parts of grape skins and pips. Must, which is pumped from the lower part of the tank, is periodically pumped over the cap. A rotating sparger sprays the must evenly all over the cap surface. This preserves the...

Insulated Tanks

Insulated tanks are used mostly for must mucus elimination before fermentation and, later on, for wine stabilization. When eliminating mucus, it is important to do it as quickly as possible. During wine stabilization, on the other hand, the cooling period must be very short, but the wine should then...