We manufactue stainless steel drainage systems that consist of either narrow drain channels (slotted type) or wide drain channels with gratings (box type).
The main advantages of a stainless steel drainage system:
- simple cleaning,
- corrosion resistance,
- long life span.
The main advantages of a stainless steel drainage system:
- simple cleaning,
- corrosion resistance,
- long life span.

Combining segments - a modular construction system
Channel segments and gullies have welded flanges. The flanges, gaskets, and attached screw fittings allow you to connect the segments into longer systems.
Drain channels up to 9 meters in length consist of standard elements that are connected by a low gully.
Drain channels that measure more than 9 meters in length are custom-made. They are made of channel segments that are connected by one or more drains.
Technical data _ combining segments