Cuves cylindriques


CT1X 1885 D1270 H1500 0/ATM

  • Cold water tank with double jacket
  • Nominal volume in l: 1885
  • Internal diameter in mm: 1270
  • Height H in mm: 1500
  • Height Z in mm: 2348
  • External diameter [mm]: 1370
  • Use: Water preparation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric


CT1X 2000 D1370 H1410 0/ATM 400V 50HZ

  • Cold water tank with double jacket
  • Nominal volume in L: 2000
  • Internal diameter in mm: 1370
  • Height H in mm: 1410
  • Height Z in mm: 2270
  • External diameter [mm]: 1470
  • Use: Water preparation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric


CTXX 4900/40 D1780 H2000 0/ATM

  • Cold water tank
  • Nominal volume [bbl]: 40
  • Nominal volume in l: 4900
  • Internal diameter in mm: 1780
  • Height H in mm: 2000
  • Height Z in mm: 2900
  • External diameter [mm]: 1880
  • Geometrical volume [l]: 5340
  • Use: Water preparation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric


CTXX 5700 D1900 H2000 0/ATM

  • Cold water tank
  • Nominal volume in l: 5700
  • Internal diameter in mm: 1900
  • Height H in mm: 2000
  • External diameter [mm]: 2000
  • Use: Water preparation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric


CTXX 600 D790 H1250 0/ATM 400V 50HZ 0,

  • Cold water tank
  • Nominal volume in l: 600
  • Internal diameter in mm: 790
  • Height H in mm: 1250
  • External diameter [mm]: 890
  • Use: Water preparation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

Picture of CTXX 600 D790 H1250 0/ATM 400V 50HZ 0,

LMIX 1000 D950 H1470 0/2,5

  • Brite beer tank, insulated, mini
  • Nominal volume in l: 1000
  • Internal diameter in mm: 950
  • Height H in mm: 1470
  • External diameter [mm]: 1050
  • Geometrical volume [l]: 1100
  • Use: Beer maturation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
  • Test pressure [barg]: 3,6

En stock

LMIX 1500 D1110 H1580 0/2,5

  • Brite beer tank, insulated, mini
  • Nominal volume in l: 1500
  • Internal diameter in mm: 1110
  • Height H in mm: 1580
  • External diameter [mm]: 1210
  • Geometrical volume [l]: 1650
  • Use: Beer maturation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5


LMIX 2000 D1270 H1580 0/2,5

  • Brite beer tank, insulated, mini
  • Nominal volume in L: 2000
  • Internal diameter in mm: 1270
  • Height H in mm: 1580
  • External diameter [mm]: 1370
  • Geometrical volume [l]: 2200
  • Use: Beer maturation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
  • Test pressure [barg]: 3,6


LMIX 250 D650 H750 0/2,5

  • Brite beer tank, insulated, mini
  • Nominal volume in l: 250
  • Internal diameter in mm: 650
  • Height H in mm: 750
  • External diameter [mm]: 750
  • Geometrical volume [l]: 275
  • Use: Beer maturation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
  • Test pressure [barg]: 3,6


LMIX 500 D790 H1050 0/2,5

  • Brite beer tank, insulated, mini
  • Nominal volume in l: 500
  • Internal diameter in mm: 790
  • Height H in mm: 1050
  • External diameter [mm]: 890
  • Use: Beer maturation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
  • Test pressure [barg]: 3,6


LMXX 1000 D950 H1470 0/2,5

  • Brite beer tank, mini
  • Nominal volume in l: 1000
  • Internal diameter in mm: 950
  • Height H in mm: 1470
  • Geometrical volume [l]: 1100
  • Use: Beer maturation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
  • Test pressure [barg]: 3,6

Picture of LMXX 1000 D950 H1470 0/2,5

LMXX 1500 D1110 H1580 0/2,5

  • Brite beer tank, mini
  • Nominal volume in l: 1500
  • Internal diameter in mm: 1110
  • Height H in mm: 1580
  • Geometrical volume [l]: 1650
  • Use: Beer maturation
  • Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
  • Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
  • Test pressure [barg]: 3,6

Picture of LMXX 1500 D1110 H1580 0/2,5
Nebó Winery // Slovénie

Nebó Winery // Slovénie


Nebó Winery est un nouveau domaine viticole situé à Neblo, un petit village dans la région de Goriška Brda. C'est le domaine viticole le plus occidental de Slovénie. La diversité des vignobles, la vaste sélection de cépages et le grand nombre de vins différents requièrent également un plus grand nombre de cuves dans lesquelles les vins peuvent mûrir et développer leur saveur.

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