ZKIX 1000 D950 H1500 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 1000
- Internal diameter in mm: 950
- Height H in mm: 1500
- External diameter [mm]: 1050
- Geometrical volume [l]: 1280
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,58
ZKIX 10000 D2100 H3000 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 10000
- Internal diameter in mm: 2100
- Height H in mm: 3000
- Height Z in mm: 5700
- External diameter [mm]: 2200
- Geometrical volume [l]: 13461
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Min. design pressure in barg: 0
ZKIX 12000 D2250 H3000 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 12000
- Internal diameter in mm: 2250
- Height H in mm: 3000
- Height Z in mm: 6300
- External diameter [mm]: 2350
- Geometrical volume [l]: 15702
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,58
ZKIX 16000 D2250 H4250 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 16000
- Internal diameter in mm: 2250
- Height H in mm: 4250
- Height Z in mm: 7550
- External diameter [mm]: 2350
- Geometrical volume [l]: 20672
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Min. design pressure in barg: 0
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,58
ZKIX 2000 D1270 H1500 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in L: 2000
- Geometrical volume [l]: 2630
- Internal diameter in mm: 1270
- External diameter [mm]: 1370
- Height H in mm: 1500
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,58
- Min. operating p. DJ [barg]: 0
- Max. operating p. DJ [barg]: 3
- Min. DJ design p. [barg]: 0
ZKIX 20000 D2500 H4000 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 20000
- Internal diameter in mm: 2500
- Height H in mm: 4000
- External diameter [mm]: 2600
- Geometrical volume [l]: 24680
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,46
ZKIX 4000 D1500 H2250 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 4000
- Internal diameter in mm: 1500
- Height H in mm: 2250
- Height Z in mm: 4340
- External diameter [mm]: 1600
- Geometrical volume [l]: 5140
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,58
ZKIX 5000 D1600 H2500 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 5000
- Internal diameter in mm: 1600
- Height H in mm: 2500
- Height Z in mm: 4580
- External diameter [mm]: 1700
- Geometrical volume [l]: 6390
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Max. design pressure [barg]: 3,58
ZKIX 6000 D1750 H2500 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 6000
- Internal diameter in mm: 1750
- Height H in mm: 2500
- Height Z in mm: 4890
- External diameter [mm]: 1850
- Geometrical volume [l]: 7800
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,58
ZKIX 8000 D1900 H2750 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated
- Nominal volume in l: 8000
- Internal diameter in mm: 1900
- Height H in mm: 2750
- Height Z in mm: 5300
- External diameter [mm]: 2000
- Geometrical volume [l]: 10079
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,58
ZMIX 1000 D950 H1500 0/2,5
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated, mini
- Nominal volume in l: 1000
- Internal diameter in mm: 950
- Height H in mm: 1500
- External diameter [mm]: 1050
- Geometrical volume [l]: 1250
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating press. [barg]: 2,5
- Test pressure [barg]: 3,6
ZMIX 1000 D950 H1500 0/ATM
- Cylindroconical fermentation and storage tank, insulated, mini
- Nominal volume in l: 1000
- Internal diameter in mm: 950
- Height H in mm: 1500
- External diameter [mm]: 1050
- Geometrical volume [l]: 1250
- Use: Beer fermentation and maturation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric
Okavango Craft Brewery // Bocvana
Pivovarna Okavango Craft Brewery je bila ustanovljena leta 2019 v mestu Maun na severu Bocvane in je prva licencirana mikropivovarna na tem območju. Ime je dobila po bližnji delti Okavango, kjer domuje ena največjih populacij slonov na svetu. Njihov glavni cilj je variti vrhunsko pivo, svojo dolžnost pa vidijo v tem, da to naredijo z minimalnim vplivom na okolje in da s svojo dejavnostjo podprejo tudi lokalno gospodarstvo, še posebej kmete, ki se zavedajo pomena sožitja s sloni in tudi sami izvajajo metode trajnostnega kmetovanja.
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Ker se posla ne lotevamo serijsko, se najprej temeljito seznanimo z željami in potrebami naročnika. Skupina raznovrstnih strokovnjakov pretehta različne možnosti, med katerimi izbere za investitorja najboljšo rešitev. Kako vam lahko pomagamo? Izpolnite obrazec ali nas pokličite in nam zaupajte svoje želje. Skupaj bomo poiskali rešitev, ki jo iščete.