Professional and versatile
Maceration is a very sensitive but extremely important vinification process, which demands extensive knowledge, constant supervision and a lot of feeling. The only way to produce a wine with the right character (color, bouquet, and taste), is to carry out the maceration process properly. Most importantly this process should always be adapted to vine variety and grapes characteristics and quality, as well as the type of wine you would like to produce.
The fermenter, a modern enological and technical device, is perfect for winemakers that do not want to leave this important process to chance. The fermenter makes a winemaker's job much easier: it reduces his physical work, it's time-saving, and it can also process larger amounts of grapes. A software monitors the process day and night, so the winemaker's presence is not necessary at all times.
You can choose between different pump-over and punch-down fermenter designs or you can opt for a combination of both systems.
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Nebó Winery // Slovenia
Nebó Winery is a new winery located in Neblo, a small village in the Goriška Brda region. It is the westernmost winery in Slovenia. The diverse locations of the vineyards, the vast selection of grape varieties and the large number of different wines also require a greater number of tanks in which the wines can mature and develop their full flavor.
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