Da bi vam olajšali uporabo našega spletnega mesta, uporabljamo piškotke. Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate z uporabo piškotkov.

FK2S 6400 D2050 H2000 0/ATM
- Open pump-over fermenter with double jacket
- Nominal volume in l: 6400
- Diameter internal in mm: 2050
- Height H in mm: 2000
- Height Z in mm: 2900
- Max. volume [l]: 5000
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FK2S 8000 D2050 H2500 0/ATM
- Open pump-over fermenter with double jacket
- Nominal volume in l: 8000
- Diameter internal in mm: 2050
- Height H in mm: 2500
- Height Z in mm: 3400
- Max. volume [l]: 6500
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 1350 D1110 H1500 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 1350
- Diameter internal in mm: 1110
- Height H in mm: 1500
- Height Z in mm: 3300
- Min. volume [l]: 700
- Max. volume [l]: 1100
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 1800 D1270 H1500 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 1800
- Diameter internal in mm: 1270
- Height H in mm: 1500
- Height Z in mm: 3350
- Min. volume [l]: 1000
- Max. volume [l]: 1400
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 1900 D1110 H2000 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 1900
- Diameter internal in mm: 1110
- Height H in mm: 2000
- Height Z in mm: 4000
- Min. volume [l]: 1000
- Max. volume [l]: 1500
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 2100 D1370 H1500 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 2100
- Diameter internal in mm: 1370
- Height H in mm: 1500
- Height Z in mm: 3350
- Min. volume [l]: 1100
- Max. volume [l]: 1700
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 2400 D1270 H2000 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 2400
- Diameter internal in mm: 1270
- Height H in mm: 2000
- Height Z in mm: 4000
- Min. volume [l]: 1300
- Max. volume [l]: 2100
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 2800 D1580 H1500 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 2800
- Diameter internal in mm: 1580
- Height H in mm: 1500
- Height Z in mm: 3350
- Min. volume [l]: 1500
- Max. volume [l]: 2200
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 2900 D1370 H2000 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 2900
- Diameter internal in mm: 1370
- Height H in mm: 2000
- Height Z in mm: 4100
- Min. volume [l]: 1600
- Max. volume [l]: 2400
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 3600 D1780 H1500 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 3600
- Diameter internal in mm: 1780
- Height H in mm: 1500
- Height Z in mm: 3400
- Min. volume [l]: 1900
- Max. volume [l]: 2800
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 3800 D1580 H2000 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 3800
- Diameter internal in mm: 1580
- Height H in mm: 2000
- Height Z in mm: 4100
- Min. volume [l]: 2100
- Max. volume [l]: 3200
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

FPKS 4800 D1580 H2500 0/ATM
- Open punch-down fermenter
- Nominal volume in l: 4800
- Diameter internal in mm: 1580
- Height H in mm: 2500
- Height Z in mm: 4800
- Min. volume [l]: 2700
- Max. volume [l]: 4000
- Use: Grape pomace fermentation
- Min. operating press. [barg]: 0
- Max. operating pressure [barg]: atmospheric

Green Gold Brewing // Slovenija
Spodnje Grušovlje
Green Gold Brewing je uspešna mikropivovarna, ki stoji v središču Spodnje Savinjske doline v Spodnjih Grušovljah. Pivovarna je že desetletja povezana s hmeljarstvom, saj so predniki družine Rojnik že več kot stoletje nazaj tam zasadili prvi hmelj.
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Izpolnite obrazec
Ker se posla ne lotevamo serijsko, se najprej temeljito seznanimo z željami in potrebami naročnika. Skupina raznovrstnih strokovnjakov pretehta različne možnosti, med katerimi izbere za investitorja najboljšo rešitev. Kako vam lahko pomagamo? Izpolnite obrazec ali nas pokličite in nam zaupajte svoje želje. Skupaj bomo poiskali rešitev, ki jo iščete.